Help us help more businesses

Refer Kwery and get lifetime commission

At Kwery, we depend on your referrals to keep doing what we do – and it’s only right that we reward you for your help!

When you introduce us to a business that we sign a contract with, we’ll pay you 10% commission for the full duration of our relationship.

Best of all, we’ve made it super simple. You can refer in just a few minutes, leave the rest to us, and start earning indefinitely.

Simple Referrals

Just tell us the names of the
businesses you think we could help and leave the sales and onboarding to us. We’ll even send you a ready-made referral email to tweak and send.

A reliable partner

We’ve improved PPC performance for every client we’ve worked with. We deliver consistently and constantly, so you can feel confident about referring us.

No risk

We never sign clients without a thorough analysis. We’ll examine your referral’s website before we even ask you to contact them and, if we can’t help, we won’t waste your time.

How it works

One step to recurring

We have a complete process for handling referrals, but that’s our job, not yours. All you need to do is one simple thing: send us the names of the clients you think we can help. When you do, we’ll:

Analyse their websites to see if they run paid ads, what they spend, and what they could do better

Send you a ready-made referral email if we think we can help

Book a discovery call to learn about their objectives and pain points

Host a live demo call to show them potential improvements using their data

Send a detailed proposal, sign a contract, and start paying you commission

It’s this process that means we only convert clients we believe we can help now and for years to come. It’s great for our business – and gives you long-term, 100% passive income.